3 Essential Roofing Maintenance Tips For The Fall

With summer fast fading behind us, it means fall is just about upon us, and the cold winter months aren’t too far off in the distance. Now that summer is coming to a close, it means that most homeowners can start shifting their focus off of their landscaping and start directing that energy to other areas of their homes, and one of the most important areas of your home to direct that extra time and energy is your home’s roof. Your roof is the first line of defense your home has against the elements, and with the ice and snow that winter brings along with it, it is going to become increasingly important in the coming months to ensure that barrier is strong and in good repair. Right now, while we are transitioning from summer into fall, is the perfect time to take steps to ensure that your home’s roof has the kind of care it needs to be prepared for the coming months, and is able to continue providing you and your family with a safe and secure living space. To assist you in this task, our team of professionals have taken the time to put together this short list highlighting just a few of the most important roof maintainance tasks to get done this fall before the weather starts to turn in the next couple of months.
Trim Back Your Trees
As the leaves start to change color and fall off their branches in the next couple of months, it is a good time to take a walk around your property and take stock of just how close those branches are to your home. If you notice that any branches of the trees around your home have started to encroach a little to close to your roof, now might be the perfect time to call in a professional and have them trimmed back so they don’t present a danger to roof down the line. Dead branches can be a serious hazard to your home’s roof, as if these were to come down in the middle of a storm, or if buckle under the additional weight of snow and ice during the winter, it could become a serious risk to the safety of your roof. As an added bonus, having someone out to trim these branches back early in the fall means that there will be fewer leaves that you have to worry about clogging your gutters or falling on your lawn.
Clean Your Gutters
Your gutters serve and absolutely essential purpose for your home, whether you realize it or not. Your gutters are responsible for making sure that any water on your roof is able to quickly find its way down and away from your home’s foundation, but if your gutters are clogged with leaves and other debris, it can be quite difficult for them to properly perform their function. This can be a big deal as we start to see snow and ice in the coming months, as any water that gets trapped in your gutters can freeze, giving further water and snow nowhere to go and forcing it to linger on your roof. As you well know, it can be dangerous to let snow continue to pile up on your roof, as the added weight can actually cause structural damage. Take the time now to make sure that your gutters are cleaned out to keep everything flowing smoothly over the course of the winter.
Get A Professional Roofing Inspection
Roofing inspections are one of the most important regular services you can invest in for your home’s roof, and having one performed in the fall is a great way to make sure that your roof is ready for everything the winter is going to throw at it. During the course of a roofing inspection, any small issues that your roof might have developed over the summer will be caught so you can have them fixed before they have a chance to get any worse in the coming months. Additionally, if you do have any issues with your roof, it is going to be much easier to have them fixed this fall before your roof is covered in snow as opposed to waiting to get it done this winter in an emergency situation.