The Most Common Roofing Problems Homeowners Encounter

Roofing is constantly exposed to weather and the elements, so it can be damaged at any time. This damage might be obvious, or it could be almost completely unnoticeable, but either way, they need to be repaired as soon as possible. Even the smallest problems with your Kingston home’s roofing will quickly turn into major problems for your home, so having professional repairs performed promptly is very important.
The professionals Kingston roofing contractors at D.M. Roofing & Construction Services Inc. can assist you with any roof repair services you may need, but if you can recognize the problems early on, you’ll have a much better chance of being able to contact a professional before the problems grow into more serious and extensive repairs.
To help you identify roofing problems more easily, here are a few of the most common:
Roof Leaks
A leak in your roofing is a major problem, no matter what kind of roofing materials you have on your Kingston home. leaks in your roofing could be caused by any number of different things, but joint damage is the most likely.
“Joints” are what we call the areas where two parts of your roofing meet, like at two sloped sections of roofing or between the roofing and a chimney. The joints of your roofing are highly susceptible to leaks.
Your roofing is also susceptible to leaks wherever flashing is used. Flashing is simply a name for a number of different waterproofing materials, and it’s used typically where anything comes up and out of your roofing (e.g., chimneys, pipes, or vent stacks) to present water from seeming into these connective areas.
Over the years, however, the flashing can become a weak spot where rain is able to creed underneath your shingles. If the problem is caught early enough, the flashing can easily be resealed. But if it’s left untreated, this will likely turn into a serious leak.
Weather Damage
Roofs are designed specifically to stand up against weather and to protect your Kingston home from the forces of nature. However, because your roofing is the first line of defense your home has against storms and other weather, these things can take a huge toll on your roofing over time.
If a single shingle becomes loose during a storm, wind can easily slip in and pull it up. After this happens, many other parts of your roofing will be left vulnerable to more damage. If you believe your roofing has been damaged at all during a storm, call our professionals for a roofing inspection.
Soffit and Fascia Damage
The soffit is the wood or metal panel which is on the underside of a roof’s overhang.
The fascia is the board that runs either behind your gutter or along the roof line.
Both of these parts of your Kingston home’s roofing can be very easily damaged. Small animals often form habitats in the soffit, which can cause a number of problems, and the fascia is very easily damaged by moisture. If you notice a problem with these parts of your home, call our professionals immediately.
Preventing Problems
The best way to keep your roofing in excellent condition is to have preventative maintenance performed regularly. Our professionals recommend that you have your roofing inspected at least once every three years.